The Hadith of Umar’s assassination is a famous and long Shi’a Hadith narrated by the renowned Muhaddith Muhammad Baqir Majlisi in his famous work Zaad-ul-Ma'ad (Provisions for the Hereafter).
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The Shia Hadith of Umar’s assassination is as follows:
"Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman narrates: Once on the 9th of Rabi' al-awwal I went to Rasulullah. I saw Ameerul Mu'mineen Ali Murtaza, Imam Hasan and Imam Husain also there. All were busy eating. Rasulullah smiling in great happiness said to Hasan and Husain: 'Sons, today is the day on which Allah will destroy your enemy and the enemy of your grandfather, and Allah will accept the curse of your mother (Fatimah). Eat sons, eat! Today is the day that Allah accepts the deeds of your Shia (partisans), and beloved. Eat sons, eat! Today is the day when the power of your enemy and the enemy of your grandfather will be broken and annihilated in the dust. Eat sons, eat! Today is the day when Fir'on (i.e. the Pharaoh or tyrant) to my Ahl al-Bayt, the one who will oppress and persecute them and who will usurp their rights, will be destroyed.’ Hudhayfah said: I exclaimed: 'O Rasulullah! Will there be such an evil person in your Ummah, who will perpetrate such villainy?' Rasulullah replied: 'O Hudhayfah! Among the munafiqs (hypocrites) there will be one idol who will be the leader of the group of munafiqeen. He will carry in his hand the whip of cruelty and injustice; he will prevent people from the Path of truth; he will alter the Qur'an; he will change my Sunnah and my ways; he will oppress my Wasi (Appointee) Ali bin Abi Talib and he will deprive my daughter, Fatimah of her rights. My daughter will then curse him. Allah Ta'ala will accept her la'nat (curse) and prayers.' Hudhayfah then said: 'O Rasulullah! Why do you not supplicate to Allah to destroy this Fir'on and oppressor in your very lifetime?' Rasulullah replied: 'O Hudhayfah! I do not regard it proper to interfere in the decisions of Allah Ta'ala... But, I have requested Allah Ta'ala to grant excellence and superiority to that day when that oppressor and Fir'on is dispatched to Jahannum (i.e. when he is destroyed). That day should be decreed superior to all other days so that honoring of that day becomes a Sunnah for my Shiane Ahle Bait (i.e. partisans of my family). Allah Ta'ala then sent this Wahi (revelation): 'It has already been decreed in My Eternal Knowledge that the usurping Munafiqs will persecute you and your family. They will inflict many hardships on you and your family. O Muhammad! Ali has been awarded your rank because of these (impending) hardships which will be perpetrated on him by the usurper of his rights and the Fir'on of this Ummah. I have commanded the angels of the 7 heavens to rejoice and celebrate Eid on the day he (i.e. Umar) is killed - this is for the sake of the partisans and lovers of the Ahle Bait. I have commanded the recording Angels to cease recording the sins of My servants for 3 days from that day. This is in honor of that day (on which Umar will be murdered). O Muhammad! Three days grace and permission in general to commit sins have been given in your honor and in honor of your appointee (Ali) ... Every year on this day, will I free from Jahannam (Hell) thousands of your Shias.' Hudhayfah says: 'After Rasulullah said this, he arose and left the room and went to the house of Umm Salamah. After having heard this talk of Rasulullah I was convinced of Umar's kufr. There remained no doubt in this. Finally, after the demise of Rasulullah, I witnessed the fitnah which he (Umar) created. He exhibited the kufr which was concealed in him. He reneged from Islam and usurped the Imamate and Khilafat. To achieve this end he adopted the most shameless methods. He altered the Qur'an and burnt the holy house of Rasulullah. He pleased the Jews, Christians and the Magians and displeased Fatimah and the entire Ahle Bait, and he conspired to have Ameerul Mu'mineen (i.e. Ali) murdered. He made haram (forbidden) what Allah had made halal (permissible) and legalized what Allah had made unlawful. He slammed the door against the face and stomach of Fatimah. Hudhayfah then said: 'Finally Allah Ta'ala accepted the curses of His Holy Nabi (i.e. Prophet Muhammad) and his daughter in regard to this Munafiq (i.e. Umar) and had him killed at the hands, of his killer (Abu-Lu'lu'ah). May there be the Rahmat (Mercy) of Allah on his (Umar's) killer (i.e. Abu-Lu'lu'ah).”[1]
Some Sunni's believe that Shia's celebrate Eid-e-Shujah on the day of assassination of Umar, nevertheless, Shia's deny that by asserting that Eid-e-Shujah is celebrated at the end of the mourning period after the events of Battle of Karbala.
9th Rabi-al-Awwal 1429 A.H. - Eid-e-Zahra. Also known as Eid-e-Shuja. This is the day of Eid for Shia Muslims and marks the end of the mourning period after the events of the Battle of Karbala. According to Ulema, this is the day when the key murderers of Imam Hussain, Umar ibn Sa'ad and Ubaidullah ibn-e-Ziyad were killed and sent to Hell. This event for shia Muslims is held on 9th Rabi-al-Awwal. There isn't a specific date since Muslims follow the lunar calendar.